Add simple scorecard stats

I find the normal stats when you click on the map to show where your disc landed is a bit frustrating and time consuming. Would it be possible to add a simple version where you only select the stats when the hole is completed?
They only need to include the following options:
Circle hit, Inside putt, Outside putt and OB.
That would be super helpful information and save a lot of time and gps-battery.

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Hey Martin,

This is currently possible! It sounds like you’re using map scoring currently, which prompts you to select where you’ve landed each time. Instead, when you create your card try changing the scoring type to Throw tracker (full stats) - have you tried this yet? With this scoring type, you can select where you landed for each throw but wait to do this until you make it to the next tee so your play isn’t interrupted.

This article includes a few more details on how this scoring type works: How to score a disc golf round on UDisc with full stats : UDisc Support

Please let me know if you have any other questions as you try this out. Happy discing!


I didn’t know that but I have tried it now and it works fine!

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