I created a New Event and custom Divisions for a Bag Tag Event. Was successful and approved. This is all awesome and and have a successful registration.
My question is how to associate the SmartLayout we will be utilizing for the Event. In the Leagues UI it is straightforward to assign the SmartLayout to the League, and allows you to adjust for week to week play. But on the Event I do not see how to assign the layout.
I am only seeing the ability to associate the course. Which I have successfully completed. I am not seeing a way to associate the Smart Layout we will play.
You have to go to the Rounds tab and add a round. When creating your round, under course, you will see the option to add a layout. If you don’t see it there, let me know. If you could reach out to help@udisc.com with a screenshot of what you are seeing, that would be helpful.