Automated League winners and payout

I’ve created an Excel Workbook for maintaining league handicap, scoring, bag tags and finances. I have 95% of this workbook automated. The last piece I need to automate is the exporting of scores after the round. I can manually hover over the link for the scheduled event that day and get the identifier however, I would like to do this programmatically as to avoid any unnecessary human mistakes.

Has anyone tried to screen scrape the Event page to get this data?

Hey @jaxrhyno,

Thanks for posting here. I can’t offer any advice for scraping this data as this isn’t something we support currently :slight_smile: But, I would love to know what aspects you currently have automated that you’d like to see in UDisc instead?

We do currently have the ability to add payouts, set starting scores/adjusted scores, and assign bag tag numbers after an event is completed. I know you’re likely looking for more automated bag tag, handicap, and payment systems so would love know what exactly you’d like to see in the future.

Good morning Jenn. Let me provide a little background on our league and what I’ve currently automated.

The league is a division-based handicap league, Advanced, Intermediate, Recreational, and Establishing (it takes 3 rounds to establish)

As for automation, I have an Excel workbook that maintains the last 10 rounds for each player. I use either 9 or 10 of those rounds to determine handicap. The reason for 9 or 10 is due to having a bagger rule which states if one round is more than 5 strokes worse than the average it is not included.

Every Sunday, with a click of a button on the workbook, a new check-in sheet is created. The data (name, division, and current handicap) is copied from the main handicap sheet to the weekly check-in sheet. Once check in is complete, another button is clicked which removes all of the rows of those not participating in the weekly event.

After the round is completed, I verify all scorecards have been completed on Udisc I manually export the data from Udisc, and then copy and paste it into a sheet in the workbook. After the data has been pasted, another button is clicked. This macro, verifies all players have a Udisc score, reformats the data, calculates the best of 5, and then copies the scores and best of 5 data into the weekly check-in sheet. Once this is complete, I click another button which calculates payout for each division and adds the data to the payout sheet. The macro also adds the best of 5 winner or winners, and the Best Score winner or winners to the payout sheet.

I’m at the point where I want to remove as much manual intervention as possible. What I’m looking for now is the ability to get the event ID programmatically from the schedule on UDisc. Right now I have code that will programmatically export the data and add it to the workbook but I have to enter the Event ID manually in a message box. I want to avoid this step. Once I can get the event ID programmatically, I will combine the button clicks to only 1 which will start with the screen scraping to get the Event ID.

Thank you for reaching out, I apologize for the lengthy response.


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Hey Jack,

Really appreciate you detailing your process - not lengthy at all and all super helpful! We’ll consider this for future updates. Thanks for all the time and efforts you put in to running a league!