Adding more players to a team

We play a few Ryder Cup style events between clubs throughout the year. I would LOVE the ability to have 4 teams that you can add up to 20 players per team, scoring Match Play. I know the first step would be adding Match Play, so I’m hoping that happens soon, as I feel like it has been promised to us for years now. I have a spread sheet you can base it off if you want some help!
Either way, thanks for all you do.

@wh1skeyjack thanks so much for your feedback here! Matchplay scoring is on our minds, but not on the near term roadmap.

Really curious about the 4 teams with 20 players per team format. How does this style of play work for you? Do players on each team switch each week? How are teams decided?

No, teams are decided by which club you play for. In our events, there are 3 rounds per day for two days. Each day has a first round that is best shot doubles, then alt shot doubles, then a singles round. Each match is worth 1 point, or .5 points if you push the match. Each match is also a random draw for which player/pairing you get against the other team.
I will share the spreadsheet below. But each team fills out their roster on the master scoresheet. (in this case it has 16 players, but I wanted to expand to 20), then there is a random draw to decide who plays who. Not all players play each round. (6 rounds in two days is alot!) We then print out the scorecards (like Neanderthals’ lol) and keep score with pen. then turn the sheets in after the round and somebody has to manually enter the scores. Rinse and repeat for 6 rounds.
The events are the Super Bowl of disc golf here in BC. Winning an A-Tier is great, but if you have not won a JB Cup with your club, you have not really won anything around here.

I know having UDisc have all the options we want is a long shot, but a guy can dream dang it!

We would, REALLY like match play though, as our club plays it all the time, even if it does not have all the options of the JB Cup. We are wanting to at least have a Match Play doubles league soon.

thanks for listening at least!


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