Ive made this request in the past and I can see others have as well. When are we going to get match play and skins scorecard capabilities? This would be a great feature to have on the app to go along with the other basic functions. There have been a lot of features added that are not as necessary as this. This seems like it would be a rather simple add. Thanks!
I agree, i cant see that being such a big thing to develop, but an important thing for everyday players that paying quite a lot. It is almost a dealbreaker for a so dominant app.
I couldn’t agree more! Match play is something my group of friends do all the time, we’ll run tournaments and so on throughout the year and it would be nice to see it added!
Hey all, thanks for adding your feedback here. While this isn’t something that is currently on the near-term roadmap, it could be in the future. I would love to hear more about your vision for this. Currently for match play rounds, do you simply score like normal and then add up who won the holes at the end? What do you imagine match play in the app would look like?
When I was looking for March play rules a while back, I came across this link, which is your blog from some years back.
How Does Disc Golf Match Play Work? | Release Point - The UDisc Blog
It provides graphics that someone within udisc created. So I think someone has spent some time on developing it already. I still don’t see how this isnt on your short term outlook for development.
Anyways, we currently mark birdie for winner of the hole and par for a push. It works but it could be better, like a true match play score card for instance…
Ideally it would provide the scoring as indicated in the graphics in the link provided. It would also automatically tell you that player 1 defeated player 2 on hole 13 because he is up by 6. Just two thoughts that come to mind right away.
I personally would like to see it track the score of the player along with the match play score. There is an app I use for ball golf called 18 birdies where it keeps you normal score but also updates the match play (it also allows other game modes like skins). I would love to see something like that for UDisc, that way when we play we can see our total score if we are playing out our rounds, along with match play standings.
At the moment my friends and I keep track of it mentally but when there’s a lot of back forth it gets confusing. I know what has been used for the presidents cup in the past on UDisc live would be perfect in the app!
This seems like a really ideal experience to be able to keep track of score vs par & match play strokes. Curious how often you use this type of scoring - is it mostly for personal rounds or in league?
It is mainly personal, I have played a couple Dynamic Disc match play events. My friends and I run match play frequently and will even put together tournaments in our group (we’ll get anyone where from 4-12 playing in it).
It has been something that I have tried to integrate in local leagues and from time to time we will shake things up and play but not often. My hope is that a feature like this would encourage people to play more match play rounds. It’s definitely a different battle when blow up holes don’t mean the same in a traditional scoring round.
FWIW, I nearly always play skins when I play disc golf. It’s a very common golf wagering game. I would LOVE to see that included. Maybe keep the ‘real’ score for posterity, but show who is up by how much and how much the next hole is worth after each hole.
The usual match play semantics. You get a point if you win the hole. It shows you the score “All-square”, “Up by N”, etc. with X holes left to play. Tells you when the match is over because one player can’t catch up, The usual match play stuff.
This website above is the simplest approach to matchplay scoring, with all relevant information. Who won? Whats the score beginning the next hole.? (John up 1) And eventually when is the match over. (Youre up more holes than are left) (John won 3 & 2)
Score keeping isnt necessary as a significant number of match play holes are never finished.
I feel this is a growing part of the sport. We have starting a league in Eastern NC this year and planning on adding more teams up the coast next year and into SC. Up north its been going on for over a decade with significantly more teams and players.
Thanks for listening.