Acitvity Round Wont Disable

Turning off the “default to activity round” in the settings does not save when I exit the app. Every time I reopen the app my settings revert back to using acitvity rounds.

How can I fix this?

Thank you for the heads-up here, Bradner! Just to clarify, is this happening on app version 20.1.5 on your Galaxy S23? If you’ve noticed any other app settings that don’t seem to be saving properly as intended, or if you’ve been experiencing this for some time now, then any additional information you can provide to help illustrate the issue will help us greatly to troubleshoot. Thanks!


Yes, I am on app version 20.1.5 (9560) on my Galaxy S23. I also tested the other options under the Scorecards section and “Exclude new rounds from profile stats” will toggle back to off if you try to turn it on. I haven’t had any other issues and its been happening for about the last 6 months.

Thank you very much for following up with this information, Bradner! Super helpful to learn this additional context, and we will keep you in the loop on the fix (hopefully soon). If you encounter any other unexpected behaviors or as any other questions or concerns come up, please don’t hesitate to let us know.