Which of the following most persuades you to Wishlist a course or not?

Which of the following most persuades you to Wishlist a course or not?
  • Course Rating
  • Course Photos
  • Layout Difficulty
  • Course Reviews
  • Smart Layout Availability
  • Other
0 voters
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Wishlist is not essential for me. What use is it in this app?

Hey @csteveg, that’s okay, it may not be as useful to everyone. If you find a course you want to play sometime down the road, you can add it to your wishlist. Later on, when looking at the course directory, you can filter by that wishlist if you only want to see the courses you have saved. Some people find it useful when planning a trip to an area they haven’t been to before. But even if you don’t wishlist, feel free to vote on which aspect convinces you to visit a course!


I think the use is self explanatory.
I use it all the time. When I have a trip planned somewhere I will search courses in the area and do a little research and then wishlist the course(s) I want to play when I go. It makes it much easier when I get there to check my wishlist for the course I want to go to instead of sifting through multiple courses at that moment to find the right one.


Ah, yes.
I don’t travel much, but am planning a road trip next summer.

Thank you.


“Other”. For me is mostly friends and family suggestions in other states or countries. There are some tour courses that we all want to play, but that is self explanatory. An maybe the unique places like the one in Antarctica… Ha ha… That would be cool… well, cold right? ha ha


Exactly how I use it as well. Very useful.