Targets can only be linked to one Tee Position

Our course plays the front nine holes going one direction and then you reverse and play the back nine the other direction. Each hole has multiple targets, so I have labeled each hole according to the signage, so one target would be
“Front A/Back C”, with another being “Front B/Back B”. Each hole varying depending on layout.
The problem I am having is that each Target can only be linked to one Tee Position. I can create a new Target for each of the back nine hole positions, but this would break all the statistics for existing course results.
Can there be modifications so that Targets can be associated with multiple Tee Positions.

Hi Dave, you can click on the target from the Map Manager page, click “Add fairway” and then select an existing tee pad to associate the target with another (additional) tee pad. There is no limit to how many tee positions you can associate with a target!