Sort and filter course photos

When discovering new courses, the current photo section is a little painful to use.

  1. Sorting: it would be really useful to be able to sort the photos, such as newest to oldest, or by hole number (and not just by “most likes”). At a lot of courses the first photos are years old and potentially outdated, especially with some courses getting a lot of updates in the recent years.

  2. Navigation: the only way to look at photos is to swipe past them one by one. Possibly have them viewable in a grid format, or be able to zoom out and view more than one photo at time. This is especially a pain when the photos aren’t even laid out in chronological order or hole order

  3. Filter/Grouping: this is less important, but would be really handy to be able to group the photos and for example only look at tee signs, or only fairway photos, or exclude the nature photos, etc. Or even have a group that’s just for Aces, so everyone who aces at that course can upload their photo there


I like some of your suggestions here. Especially the grid format and photo tagging for tee signs. A course ambassador can link photos to hole number already. So maybe some of those courses don’t have such thorough UDisc ambassadors.

But I’m going to have to use my veto against using UDisc for ace post photos. Course ambassadors should be cleaning those out of the uploaded photos in my opinion.


I don’t think uDisc moderators should even approve them as course photos.


Hey guys, thanks for this feedback. Just so you are aware, we do not approve ace photos or generally photos of people when submitted. That being said, there are likely some out there that have slipped through the cracks over the years. If you see a photo that should not be on a course listing, feel free to Report it and we can take a look!


I would second these suggestions for sorting and viewing photos. I have often thought the same. A grid view as well would be awesome. I use those photos all the time to get a fuel for a course. And having them sort by date would be extremely valuable in seeing recent course conditions.

Hope the devs consider this feature enhancement.

Thank you!

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