Can UDisc require pertinent info to be included when pictures are uploaded? DGCR does this great by requiring every picture to have the hole number and what part of the hole (tee sign, tee pad, fairway, basket, basket-to-tee, etc.) included so other users know what they are looking at. On UDisc, there are way too many photos that have zero description so there’s no way to know what hole we’re supposed to be looking at. This will also cut down on the vast amount of useless pictures uploaded that have nothing to do with the course. DGC
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This might do better as a separate thread. This thread is for another ambassador having problems getting photos uploaded. Maybe try posting in Product Feedback - UDisc Community?
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It actually does this when im trying to upload.
As a course ambassador you can go through and edit all the photos to have the right info like hole # an such. You can also ask for the ones that aren’t relevant to be removed. I recently did this for my course and it’s nice and clean now. You can also put the best ones as the highlighted photos.