We have used event scoring multiple times for our tournaments and have had relatively good experiences. However, one issue we have had is that players on the same card can change the hole scores at any point during the round. Example, we had a player that 2 holes after he took an 8 on a hole, the score somehow was changed to a 7. Is it possible when cards are assigned, that that card would be notified if there is a scoring discrepancy on a hole or holes?
Thanks for your thoughtful message, Kevin! UDisc Leagues and Events include scoring audit logs, which allow for investigating the timestamps and players associated with any score changes. If you would like the UDisc team to investigate a particular suspicious scoring activity, then we’d just need the player or card, and event information (or league event date). You can feel free to reach out to help@udisc.com with these details and our team will be happy to help.
In a future updated version of UDisc Leagues and Events, we plan to make the scoring history more of a self-service tool for league and event admins to lookup score change history for their events. We will keep you posted on this!