Scammer getting my info on Udisc

I have been contacted by email asking to give lessons to children in the area. It is a person email that appears real. Then when moving forward to set dates for lessons they say they want to send a check and their account manager would help me process it in an app…
I also have been contacted regarding grants for the course I care for… scam.
I am also being contacted by individuals trying to push their disc golf products on me. This is not a scam but not why I’m part of this community. If I am going to be inundated with scams trying to steal money I will be leaving this app and moving my entire league on.
I pay for this app and should be offered protection in terms of data.

I had someone contact me about lessons too, they seemed very confused about life in general. I thought they were an idiot, but scammer makes sense.

I assume they pulled my name off my league contact info? I’m not sure what UDisc can do to allow people to contact a league or course admin and block scammers.

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Yeah not sure. But if it keeps happening I can’t use this app.

Unfortunately, data-scrapers and bots are a constant reality on the internet today. I can confirm that they must be scraping your email where it has been publicly listed (such as the league, event, or course info pages). Your account info is secure.

As a mitigation, here’s what we can do: We’ll deploy a change that hides the contact email from bots/scrapers (and anyone else) that views the page without being logged in. We already have mitigations in place to prevent bots from creating accounts, so this should be enough of a barrier that most bots will stop trying.

However, anything that is publicly listed is still visible to someone with an account. If you do not want your email listed in this way, you can remove it from the league contact details. Alternatively, you could create a separate email for listing on contact info pages so it’s not your personal email.