Say Tee Order (not working)

iPhone 16 pro, using latest version of uDisc. I have the “say tee order” on and I haven’t heard any names announced in like two months. Not sure what’s happening.

iPhone OS: 18.2.1
UDisc: 20.1.4 (9741)

Thank you very much for reporting this, Anthony! Do you have a Disc Jockey, or any other bluetooth speakers paired with your phone, by any chance? Another thing worth double-checking is if you have “Do not disturb” mode or a similar setting enabled on your phone. Any additional information you can provide to illustrate your experience will help us to troubleshoot. Thanks!

No Bluetooth devices connected to the phone. We use to hear the tee order come over just the phone, and that’s the only way we’ve used it.

UDisc has permission to send notifications.
Verified that the sound is on, not silenced or muted, and volume was up. But couldn’t hear the voice announced…

Updated App Today: 20.1.5 (9767) and I can hear the voice announced again. Everything is working.

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Right on Anthony, thank you so much for following up and glad to hear it’s vocalizing the tee order again! Please don’t hesitate to let us know as any other questions come up. Cheers, and happy discing!