Round Ratings Update

Round ratings have been slowly improving as they take into account more and more scoring data, but they have just received their first major calculation improvement!

Here are the key takeaways:

  • Ratings now more accurately reward strong play at tougher courses.
  • The model also corrects for a previous disparity between rounds with varying hole counts.
  • The changes enable better comparison of ratings across different hole counts, as well as styles and difficulties of courses.

Read more including some illustrative examples at iconic courses like Maple Hill, DeLaveaga, and JBeast Jr as well as a deeper dive into the statistical reasoning behind the changes on the Release Point blog!


That is great to hear!
Would it be possible to get the round ratings average on the profile stats page?
I would be a better comparison of how my skill is evolving compared to average + or - score on the last 10, 20 and whole year.


Not possible currently, but this is definitely on our radar! Thanks for the suggestion!