I think it would be great to have multiple “bags”
I use the app religiously to inventory my discs and bag.
I have my main bag and can have the discs “in bag” but what about having custom bags? I would love to be able to track what is in my glow bag, and my woods bag etc? It’s good when at the course or don’t field work to know which discs I brought so I leave with them. I know if may not be a features for everyone but I think lots of us would find it useful. I’ve been organizing my shelves and bags getting ready for the season and thought this would be super useful. I know there are other apps that offer this but I would love it in UDisc to make it a one stop shop.
Thanks very much for your thoughtful message, Matt! This kind of “multiple bags” functionality has been somewhat commonly requested, and it’s on our radar for a potential future development effort. We aren’t currently building this, but we will keep you in the loop on any major updates in this regard. Please don’t hesitate to let us know as any other questions or ideas come up!
Thank you David! Hope to see it in the future!
+1 for prioritizing this. A year and a half in I’ve got my regular bag, would like to list an alt/trial bag, would like to have glow bag listed instead of relying on color to clumsily track them, fieldwork bag, bag for the kids with Dino Discs and such, oh and my car/go bag for when last minute opportunities to play pop up.
Discs functionality also should have a bag visualizer/analyzer with retail links eventually. But giving it its own tab and a simple ability to toggle bags should have been created yesterday.
What is the priority/timeline before this? I feel like I pay but don’t actually know what you’re creating.
There isn’t exactly a defined priority or timeline for this kind of new functionality in the Discs section yet, as it isn’t something our team is actively working on at this point in time. Feedback from UDisc members tends to be one of the greatest drivers of prioritization work when we are discussing what to build next, so requests that pick up a lot of popularity often find their way into our team’s development efforts. A more public-facing product roadmap has been requested a few times, and it’s something we would consider potentially opening up and committing to maintain in the future.
Yes this would be really good so you dont need any other apps to store your discs in, maybe more filtering and sorting options for the bags also, so you can filter and see only your putters for example or sorting on the highest fade discs