Leagues - Feature Request

We just wrapped up our 2023 League season and used the Events platform for running our Finale Tournament. This platform has several features I would love to see replicated into the Leagues Platform.

  1. Registration: we currently use our club website to register members each year. It would be a nice feature to just use UDisc for this purpose and keep track of our club membership.

  2. Participants: a list of members and the ability to mark them as paid for their membership would be helpful.

  3. Communications/Updates: the ability to send an email to all club members from within the platform concerning updates would be a tremendous help. Adding the ability to add push notifications for a “critical” update would also be an added bonus. (Ex. Last minute changes to course or layout due to park/camp activity)


I agree. Another set of features that is already in UDisc Events is random team/card creation. Lots of random dubs leagues out there.

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Totally agree on registration. We have started using Disc Golf Scene for club registration. Would be great to be able to do this from UDisc for club membership.