Course Conditions History

It would be really helpful if near the latest course conditions rating and details there was a “conditions history” button to see recent course condition ratings from other users.

Right now it appears to only show the latest course condition rating and details, but people may differ in how they rate conditions or amount of detail added, and it may be useful to see multiple people’s feedback on this when conditions may be questionable.

For instance, after it has snowed, one user may state: Good conditions, details: “Snowy fairways, but teepads are clear.” Then an hour or two later, another user may state: Fair conditions, and not include any details. This would remove the helpful detail: “Snowy fairways, but teepads are clear.” Knowing the condition of the teepads (or some other specific detail) may impact other players’ decision of whether or not to go play.

So for many similar cases of questionable course conditions, the option to see recent course condition history would be really helpful. This could have quantity and/or time limits for what is viewable history, such as the last 5-10 ratings for up to the last 30-90 days.


Hey Chris,

This is a great idea, and I’ll be sure to pass it along to the team as we continue to make improvements!