Sometimes it will take me to an old day of the league when I’m navigating to the leagues section in UDisc. It would be nice for it to automatically take me to the current event or most recent event.
Hey Brian! Thanks for contributing here. When opening the Events tab it should auto-set all filters to show the most recent events for Upcoming. If you aren’t seeing this, I’d suggest clicking When, Reset to reset all filters, and then Search. If you’re still running into issues, feel free to reach out to us at!
Perhaps I didn’t describe my scenario well enough. This happens when you go to the ‘Scores’ tab within a league to see the results. I always have to click the drop down on the top left and scroll all the way up to select the most recent event … today in this example it puts me on Jul 2 for some reason which is a long time ago and many events happened in between. There was event today and I would expect that by clicking on the ‘Scores’ tab here it would automatically take me to today’s event.
I’m a league manager and I’m usually logged in, so maybe that makes a difference. But I’m not the league manager of this particular league.
Hey @brianhannan, it seems like something may not be working properly for you. The Scores tab should work as you describe. When I open it for your league, I am automatically routed to the most recent event. What route are you taking to access the link to the Scores page? Are you navigating to that page from the UDisc App? Can I suggest clearing your browsing history on whichever browser you are using? Let me know, thanks!
If you just navigate to this link it does it every time. Today it takes me to March 27th.
I opened it in a fresh Safari browser where I’ve never opened that page … I normally use Chrome.
So the Scores tab for each event is a specific link. So this link is always going to take you to the same event. However, if you locate your league in the app, and tap the League Info button, it will automatically display scores for the date of whichever event you are viewing. Or if you locate your league via UDisc Leagues BETA, and go to the Scores tab from the link you click on there, it will automatically display the most recent event.
That’s funny … I didn’t even notice that … it was a link to the league I had saved off before.
I can’t believe I didn’t notice that before.
No worries at all! I am happy we got to the bottom of it! Happy discing!